
Youth Ministry at FEFC exists to come alongside parents in discipling their High School and Middle School age children to become mature lifelong disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ.

FEFC Youth Ministry’s Five Pillars Are:

1. Gospel Centrality
2. Theological Depth Through Biblical Teaching
3. Relational Discipleship
4. Partnership with Parents
5. Intergenerational Integration

During the school year, all 6th graders are together for their own Sunday School class. 7th & 8th graders are split into guys and girls’ classes, but both walk through the Westminster Catechism over the course of two years.

During the school year, 9th-12th graders meet in the Youth Room. Most weeks are spent walking through specific books of the Bible, with occasional breaks to tackle relevant topics head on.

All 6th – 8th graders are welcome on Wednesday nights from 6:30 pm to 8 pm. We meet downstairs in the Youth Room. A typical night begins with games and snacks. Afterwards we break into small groups for Bible study guided by adult volunteers. These groups and are meant to give each student a deeper understanding of how God’s word guides their life and the life of the community around them. Before the night is over, we regroup for a closing lesson and song of praise.

All 9th-12th graders are welcome on Sunday nights from 7 to 9pm in the Youth Room. After a time of snacks and hanging out, we break up into small group Bible study led by adult volunteers. Our goal is to pay close to attention to the Biblical text so it can guide, shape, and frame our life. About once a month we switch things up for a “Worship & Testimony Night”, giving space for students to share how God has made his steadfast love and faithfulness known in each of their lives. Each week, things usually wrap up around 8:30, but afterwards most people stick around to play games in the gym until at least 9.