
Announcements | 5/21/23

Our book club read for the summer will be Brave by Faith: God-Sized Confidence in a Post-Christian World by Al ...

Announcements | 5/14/23

The library is closed for a remodel. Books can still be returned to the church office until we open up again i ...

Announcements | 5/7/23

It’s that time of year! Time to create decorations for VBS! We will be sharing decorations with First Chris ...

Announcements | 4/30/23

Please join us for a 5-week summer Bible Study, Ezra/Haggai Precepts Method. If your summer schedule prevents  ...

Announcements | 4/16/23

Please join us 4/16/23 for an evening of baptism and a report from the recent mission trip to Mexico. Everyone ...

Announcements | 4/9/23

Please mark your calendars and plan to join us on Saturday morning, April 29th, for our Spring Event, How Doe ...

Announcements | 4/2/23

Sunday, April 16th at 6pm. Please join us for an evening of baptism and a report from the recent mission trip  ...

Announcements | 3/26/23

Join us on Friday, April 28th in the church parking lot from 5:30-8pm for the fourth Annual Soapbox Derby! We  ...

Announcements | 3/19/23

FEFC is looking for a full-time Youth Pastor. If someone you know is interested in this career opportunity, pl ...

Announcements | 3/12/23

FEFC is looking for a full-time Youth Pastor. If someone you know is interested in this career opportunity, pl ...

Announcements | 3/5/23

If you are interested in purchasing Easter Lilies, please fill out a pink paper form at the Welcome Center and ...

Announcements | 2/26/23

Desserts for 6 is happening on Tuesday, March 14th, at 7pm. Please join Women’s Ministries for an evening of ...

Announcements | 2/19/23

Members, please plan to attend our annual meeting at 7pm this Sunday, February 19th. Agenda items include: the ...

Announcements | 2/12/23

Members, please plan to attend our annual meeting at 7pm next Sunday, February 19. Agenda items include: the 2 ...

Announcements | 2/5/23

The Mexico mission team is scheduled to work with our sister church February 17-25. Please continue to pray fo ...

Announcements | 1/29/23

The Mexico mission team is being assembled. Lord willing, Donn Hill, Rebekah Merriman, Brian Hofer, Melanie Ko ...

Announcements for January 15

Petlapixca Mission Trip We are so excited to announce a missions trip to our sister church in Petlapixca, Mexi ...

Announcements: 1/8/23

Our new adult Sunday School Class “The Gospel of John” starts today (1/8/23) at 10:30am. This is a continu ...

Announcements | 1/1/23

The FEFC Youth Ministry is starting another "Pray For Me" campaign this year. We want to match our 6 ...

Announcements | 12/25/22

For our record keeping all credit card and online donations can no longer be made. However, contributions sen ...

Announcements | 12/18/22

Due to an increase in cost, we will not continue our subscription to Right Now Media in 2023. This is a video  ...

Announcements | 12/11/22

Registration is open for next summer's Hidden Acres Summer Camp. There are camps for many different age group ...

Announcements | 12/4/22

The FEFC Youth Ministry will begin another "Pray For Me" campaign in 2023. We want to match our 6th- ...

Announcements | 11/27/22

Thanks to our volunteers for helping with Operation Christmas Child this year. We are so thankful for all the  ...

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