
Announcements | 12/3/23

Thursday mornings from 9-11 AM starting January 4, 2024. We will study Stewarding the Faith: An Inductive Stud ...

Announcements | 11/26/23

Youth group families: please Join us on Sunday, December 3rd at 11:30 am in the Youth room. We will discuss: t ...

Announcements | 11/19/23

Sunday is a full evening for our church. The yearly Soup & Pie Supper is at 6pm in the fellowship hall, wi ...

Announcements: 11/5/23

Attention Members: Please plan to attend the congregational budget meeting on Sunday, November 19 at 7:00 p.m ...

Announcements | 10/15/23

Join us for the 2nd annual Evening of Hope on Friday, November 3 from 6:30-8 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. No R ...

Announcements: 10/8/23

Second Sunday Potlucks are back!! Join us this Sunday in the Fellowship hall at 11:30am to share a meal with o ...

Announcements | 10/1/23

Oct 1st from 2:00pm—3:00pm is the gathering for Life Chain. The group will gather on the north sidewalk of W ...

Announcements | 9/10/23

Attention Youth Ministry Parents! There is a meeting for parents of all 6th-12th graders next Sunday after Sun ...

Announcements | 9/3/23

There is a pancake breakfast in the Fellowship Hall after church on 9/3/23. This is a fundraiser for this summ ...

Announcements | 8/27/23

There is a pancake breakfast in the Fellowship Hall next Sunday. This is a fundraiser for this summer's Youth  ...

Announcements | 8/20/23

Weekly Outlook Sunday, August 20 9:00 am - Sunday Worship 10:30 am - Sunday School 10:30 am - Women’s P ...

Announcements | 8/13/23

Fall Registration is now open! Please visit our website and sign up your children for Sunday School, Nursery,  ...

Announcements | 8/6/23

After Sunday school on Sunday (8/6), you are invited to stay for lunch. We will meet in the Fellowship hall to ...

Announcements | 7/30/23

Please join us for our second church picnic of the summer! We will meet at the McKennan Park picnic shelter at ...

Announcements | 7/23/23

If you have not signed up for our church’s online member directory, please consider doing so. Just follow th ...

Announcements | 7/16/23

We will not be holding the prayer group this week during the Sunday School hour. Thank you for your understand ...

Announcements | 7/9/23

Thank you for your prayers and support on our recent trip to Kenya with AWANA. We will be sharing what we expe ...

Announcements | 7/2/23

We will be creating decorations and decorating the church on Tuesday, July 18th and Thursday, July 20th from 4 ...

Announcements | 6/25/23

Please join us for the first church picnic of the summer! We will be meeting at Upper Tuthill park at 6pm on  ...

Announcements | 6/18/23

Don't forget to register for Stellar VBS. Kids ages 3 through fifth grade are invited to FEFC on July 24th - J ...

Announcements 6/11/23

Weekly Outlook Sunday, June 11 9:00 am - Sunday Worship 10:30 am - Sunday School 10:30 am - Women’s Pra ...

Announcements 6/4/23

The Summer Youth Reading Challenge goes from June 4 - August 27th. We look forward to seeing some new and retu ...

Announcements | 5/28/23

All church members are encouraged to attend the congregational meeting on Sunday, June 11th at 7pm. There will ...

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