
Announcements | 2/2/25

Please join us on Sunday, February 9th for Second Sunday Potluck. We will enjoy a soup and sandwich theme, an ...

Announcements | 1/26/25

Do you miss gathering together? Join us this Thursday, January 30th for a gathering of women. If you are abl ...

Announcements | 1/19/25

What an outpouring of generosity this year at the Christmas Eve offering! The offering collected ended up bein ...

Announcements | 1/12/25

Please sign up for Winter Blast by this Thursday, January 16th. All middle school youth group students are enc ...

FEFC Announcements | 1/5/25

High School Sunday School for today will join the adult Sunday School class in the fellowship hall due to the  ...

FEFC Announcements | 12/8/24

The annual Mexico Mission Trip with “For the Fame of His Name” or FFHN is scheduled for January 31 - Febru ...

Announcements | 11/24/24

Awana Store will continue to collect items for the store until December 11th. Thank you for all your donation ...

Announcements | 11/17/24

Our AV team has a need for two people to help in the booth about once a month. One would be helping with the s ...

Announcements | 11/10/24

Our Soup and pie supper begins at 6pm Sunday, November 17th in the Fellowship Hall. This supper is a good oppo ...

Announcements: 11/3/24

Weekly Outlook Sunday, November 3 9:00 am - Sunday Worship 10:30 am - Sunday School 4:00 pm - Living Hope  ...

Announcements: 10/27/24

Awana is in need of new or gently used items that would be great for Christmas gifts for moms, dads,  and sib ...

Announcements: 10/20/24

The Women’s Ministries fall conference is next Friday, October 25th, and Saturday, October 26th, at First E  ...

Announcements: 10/13/24

We are having our first potluck of the fall with a brunch-themed potluck on Sunday, October 13.  Please join  ...

Announcements: 9/29/24

Children's Christmas program practice begins on Sunday, October 6th at 6PM in the Sanctuary. All children grad ...

Announcements: 9/8/24

Join us Sunday, September 8th to celebrate the start of our fall ministries. We will gather for an extended ti ...

Announcements: 8/25/24

Our last Church picnic of the summer will take place at 6pm on Sunday, August 25th. We will gather at Lower Tu ...

Announcements: 8/18/24

Weekly Outlook Sunday, August 18 9:00 am - Sunday Worship 10:30 am - Sunday School 4:00 pm - Living Hope E ...

Announcements: 8/4/24

Weekly Outlook Sunday, August 4 9:00 am    Sunday Worship—Living Hope Send Off 10:30 a ...

Announcements: 7/28/24

Thank you so much to everyone who prayed for, planned for and helped with SCUBA VBS this summer! We are so tha ...

Announcements: 7/21/24

Announcements Opportunity to Serve This fall, we have a need for attenders of our church to serve. For our  ...

Announcements: 7/14/24

Come help us create decorations and decorate our church for VBS! This is a great time to get to know others fr ...

Announcements: 7/7/24

This fall we have a need for attenders of our church to serve. For our Children's Ministry, we need adults to  ...

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