What to Expect
Morning Worship
9:oo AM
The whole congregation gathers to worship the Lord through fellowship, singing, praying, and the preaching of the word.
Childcare is provided for children from birth through 24 months during our morning worship service and Sunday School. For their safety, children will not be dismissed without a parent or relative present. The baby nursery is in the office hallway.
Children's Church
Children are dismissed before the sermon for a special worship service for two- and three-year-old children in the office hallway. Bring your child to the lobby where they will be brought down to the Children’s Church room by a leader. For their safety, children are dismissed from Children’s Church with a parent or relative.
Sunday School
10:30 AM
Classes are available for all ages—please check with the Welcome Center for current topics.
Evening Worship
6:00 PM
In the evening, we gather again in the Fellowship Hall to worship the Lord through fellowship, singing, praying, and the preaching of the word.
Our facility is wheelchair accessible.