Weekly Outlook

Sunday, December 8
9:00 am - Sunday Worship
10:30 am - Sunday School
4:00 pm - Living Hope EFC Worship
5:45 pm - Children’s Christmas Prelude
6:00 pm - Children’s Christmas Program
7:00 pm - High School Youth Group
Monday, December 9
6:30 am - Men’s Bagel Boy Discipleship
Noon - Men’s Discipleship at Church
Tuesday, December 10
6:30 am - Corporate Prayer at Church
Wednesday, December 11
6:25 pm - AWANA
6:30 pm - Adult Bible Study at Church
6:30 pm - Middle School Youth Group
Thursday, December 12
6:15 am - Men’s Discipleship at Church
Friday, December 13
6:00 pm - Middle School YG Christmas Party
8:00 pm - High School YG Christmas Party
Saturday, December 14
7:00 am - Men’s Discipleship at Josiah’s Coffeehouse
Sunday, December 15
9:00 am - Sunday Worship
10:30 am - Sunday School
4:00 pm - Living Hope EFC Worship
6:00 pm - Evening Worship
                No Youth Group


Children’s Christmas Program

We invite you to the Children's Christmas Program on Sunday, December 8th at 6pm in the sanctuary. Come early for the prelude performed by kids from our own congregation. Cookies and hot apple cider will be served following the program. 

Youth Group Christmas Party

All youth group students are invited to join us for our annual Christmas Party! The Christmas Party will be on Friday, December 13th. The Middle School Youth Group Christmas Party will be from 6-11PM. The High School Youth Group Christmas Party will be from 8PM-8AM. Please click here or RSVP to Pastor Tanner by Thursday, December 12th. 

Women's Ministries January Bible Study Options: 

Thursday mornings from 9-11 AM starting January 9th. We will study Seeking Him: Experience the Joy of Personal Revival by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth and Tim Grissom. Childcare is provided through age 5. The cost is $15. Registration is required and can quickly be done in the online bulletin using this link.
Tuesday evenings at church from 7:00-8:30 PM starting January 7th and then every other Tuesday. We will continue the study of Habakkuk by Lydia Brownbeck started in September. Please contact Mary Lynne to register.

Mission Trip to Mexico

The annual Mexico Mission Trip with “For the Fame of His Name” or FFHN is scheduled for January 31 - February 8 this year. Emphasis will be on evangelism and encouragement. Please contact Barry Termaat at 605-359-6819 with interest or questions. 

Impact EFCA High School Youth Group Conference

Impact is the annual High School Weekend Winter Conference led and planned by the EFCA Central District. This conference is for 9th-12th grade students and youth leaders. The event takes places in Coralville, Iowa at the Hyatt Regency Hotel Conference Center. Your high school student can plan to join us January 3rd-5th. The cost is $100 (non– refundable) which includes: transportation, lodging, and meals. Register by December 13th.

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