Weekly Outlook
Sunday, September 8
9:00 am - Sunday Worship
10:30 am - Sunday School
11:30 am - Fall Kick-off | Lunch & Games
4:00 pm - Living Hope EFC Worship
7:00 pm - High School Youth Group
Monday, September 9
6:30 am - Men’s Discipleship at Bagel Boy on Minnesota Ave.
Tuesday, September 10
6:30 am - Corporate Prayer at Church
7:00 pm - Women’s Bible Study
Wednesday, September 11
6:25 pm - Awana
6:30 pm - Adult Bible Study at Church
6:30 pm - Middle School Youth Group
Thursday, September 12
6:15 am - Men’s Bible Study
9:00 am - Women’s Bible Study
Saturday, September 14
7:30 am - Men’s Bible study at Josiah’s Coffeehouse
Sunday, September 15
9:00 am - Sunday Worship
10:30 am - Sunday School
4:00 pm - Living Hope EFC Worship
6:00 pm - Evening Worship
7:00 pm - Youth Group
Sunday is Fall Kick-Off
Join us Sunday, September 8th to celebrate the start of our fall ministries. We will gather for an extended time of church-wide fellowship. Lunch will be served. Inflatables and games will be outside by the playground. Hope to see you there!
Women’s Event
“Desserts for 6” Thursday, September 26th at 7pm. Please join Women’s Ministries for an evening of hospitality and fellowship. Please use the QR code below or the link in the online bulletin to sign up to host a dessert night in your home or to attend. It will be a great way to connect and get to know women in our congregation! It is helpful for our planning if you register by September 22nd.
Children’s Sunday School Begins Sunday
We offer grade specific Sunday School for children ages 2 years old through high school. Ages four and above will be located in the lower level classrooms. Parents are invited to visit their children's classes Sunday, September 8th.
College & Career Class Begins Sunday
In Room 106
College & Career Class
Teachers: Mike Austin & Jon Walker
This class is for college students and beyond. It includes a discussion of the morning's sermon along with some short biographical looks at Christian philosophers.
Adult Sunday School Class Begins September 15
In the Fellowship Hall
Teacher: Pastor Randy Anderson
Thursday AM Men’s Group
We will begin meeting again weekly starting on September 12th around 6:15am. Sign-up is at the cabinets by the windows in the café area. Additional books are on order. We will be using two books for the next two years:
- Concise Theology by J. I. Packer ($13.50)
- The Righteous Shall Live by Faith: Romans by R. C. Sproul ($25).
Opportunity to Serve
Children's Church is looking for more teachers to be on our rotation of serving during Sunday morning worship. Children's Church is for 2 & 3 year olds. Please contact the church office if your are interested in serving in this way. Thank you!