Weekly Outlook
Sunday, August 4
9:00 am Sunday Worship—Living Hope Send Off
10:30 am Sunday School
11:30 am Baptism Meeting in the Youth Room
Monday, August 5
6:30 am Men’s Discipleship at Bagel Boy on Minnesota Ave.
6:00 pm Youth Leader Meeting
9:30 am YG Psalm Study at Scheels Café
Tuesday, August 6
6:30 am Corporate Prayer at Church
Wednesday, August 7
6:30 pm Adult Bible Study at Church
Thursday, August 8
6:30 am Men’s Group at east side Perkins
6:30 pm Women’s Salad Potluck at the Benders
Sunday, August 11
9:00 am Sunday Worship
10:30 am Sunday School
4:00 pm Church Plant Worship
6:00 pm Evening Baptism Service
Living Hope Send Off
We will pray for and send off the people of Living Hope (our church plant) during the 9am service today. We expect the new meeting space at 500 N. Sycamore Ave to be ready to host a worship service later in August!
Baptism Service: August 11th
We plan to include baptisms in the evening service on August 11th. If you are a believer in Jesus Christ and would like to be baptized, please talk to a pastor this morning.
Women's Ministry Event
If you missed the pool party, there is still time to join in the summer fun! Join us Thursday, August 8th, for an evening of dinner fellowship and lawn games! We are having a salad dinner and fellowship night at Jean Bender's home starting at 6:30 PM. Bring a favorite summer salad, fruit, veggies, cheese and crackers, a lawn chair, and a friend.
Operation Christmas Child
We are collecting school supplies for our next packing party in October. Donated items may be placed inside the large green and red box near the church sliding doors. Thank you in advance for your generosity.
Women's Ministries Fall Bible Study Options:
- Thursday mornings from 9-11AM starting September 5th. We will study the book of Jonah by Lydia Brownbeck. The cost is TBD based on the purchasing resource. We will pass along savings if ordered in advance. Childcare is provided through age 5. The book is available for $14 on Amazon if you prefer to purchase it; otherwise, please register online by Sunday, August 18th, if you want Women's Ministries to order.
- Tuesday evenings at church from 7:00-8:30 PM starting September 10th and then every other Tuesday. We will study the book of Habakkuk by Lydia Brownbeck. The cost is TBD based on the purchasing resource. The book is available on Amazon if you prefer to purchase it; otherwise, please register online by Sunday, August 18th, if you want Women's Ministries to order.
Contact Mary Lynne with questions at marylynne@knowinggodsf.org. Please consider joining us for one of these studies for a rich learning experience, fellowship, and prayer.