Weekly Outlook
Sunday, July 28
9:00 am Sunday Worship with Communion
10:30 am Sunday School
4:00 pm Church Plant Worship
6:00 pm Church Picnic at McKennan Park
Monday, July 29
6:30 am Men’s Discipleship at Bagel Boy on Minnesota Ave.
9:30 am YG Psalm Study at Scheels Café
10:00 am OCC Sewing Party
Tuesday, July 30
6:30 am Corporate Prayer at Church
Wednesday, July 31
6:30 pm Adult Bible Study at Church
6:30 pm YG Games & Bonfire at Church
Thursday, August 1
6:30 am Men’s Group at east side Perkins
2:00 pm Awana Connect at Church
Sunday, August 4
9:00 am Sunday Worship—Living Hope Send Off
10:30 am Sunday School
6:00 pm Evening Worship
VBS Thank You
Thank you so much to everyone who prayed for, planned for and helped with SCUBA VBS this summer! We are so thankful for your willingness to serve the kids and families of our church and community. We simply could not do it without you! We praise God for the 175 kids that came through our doors! We praise God for the 120 volunteers that came each night to serve! And we praise God for the $808.33 we raised for Compassion Preschool. We continue to pray for the seeds that were planted and that kids would dive deeper into their friendship with God!
Nursery Update
Since the beginning of summer, our nursery count for the Sunday School hour (10:30-11:30) has been zero. After some discussion, we have decided to close the nursery during the Sunday School hour for the remainder of the summer. The Sunday School nursery will resume during Fall kick-off on September 8th! Thank you all for blessing the families with littles in our church! Questions can be directed to Erin Wurgler.
Living Hope Send Off: August 4th
We will pray for and send off the people of Living Hope (our church plant) during the 9am service on Sunday, August 4th. We expect the new meeting space at 500 N. Sycamore Ave to be ready to host a worship service as early as August 11th.
Baptism Service: August 11th
We plan to include baptisms in the evening service on August 11th. If you are a believer in Jesus Christ and would like to be baptized, please talk to a pastor or elder, check the box on your connection card, or call the church office.
Operation Christmas Child
We are collecting school supplies for our next packing party in October. Donated items may be placed inside the large green and red box near the church sliding doors. Thank you in advance for your generosity.
Church Picnics
Church picnics take place at 6pm on the last Sunday of the month in the summer. They are held in place of our normal Sunday evening service. Tableware and beverages are provided, but everyone is asked to bring an entree to share, as well as a side based on your last name:
- Sunday, July 28th: McKennan Park picnic shelter; (A-K=Salad /Appetizer; L-Z= Dessert)
- Sunday, August 25th: Lower Tuthill Park—note the change; (A-K= Dessert; L-Z= Salad /Appetizer)