Weekly Outlook 

Sunday, April 28
9:00 am     Sunday Worship
10:30 am   Sunday School
1:00 pm     VBS Decoration Prep at 1st CRC
4:00 pm     Church Plant Worship
6:00 pm     Evening Worship
7:00 pm     High School Youth Group                  
Tuesday, April 30
6:30 am     Corporate Prayer at Church
5:00 pm     Youth Ministry Auction at 5 Oaks Venue
7:00 pm     Women’s Ministry Bible Study
Wednesday, May 1
Noon         Men’s Discipleship at Church
6:25 pm    AWANA Awards night
5:00 pm    MSYG serving Pizza for AWANA
No Adult Bible Study tonight
Thursday, May 2
6:15 am     Men’s Discipleship at Church
9:00 am     Women’s Ministry Bible Study
Saturday, May 4
7:00 am     Men’s Group at Josiah’s Coffeehouse
Sunday, May 5
9:00 am     Sunday Worship
10:30 am   Sunday School
4:00 pm     Church Plant Worship
6:00 pm     Evening Worship
6:00 pm     YG Worship & Testimony Night at Prairie Hills Covenant Church


Youth Ministry Auction

You are invited to the Youth auction this Tuesday, April 30th at 5 OAKS Venue (480 E 69th St). All proceeds of the auction and dinner benefit our youth ministry. This year's goal is to fully fund the Apex mission trip to Kansas City next summer. To RSVP and/or to donate, please contact Pastor Tanner. The evening will include a silent auction, dessert auction, and live auction. The suggested donation for dinner is $10.00/person.
Forms of monetary donations accepted at the auction: cash & checks made out to First Evangelical Free Church with "Youth Ministry Auction" on the memo line.
Menu: BBQ Beef & Pork Loin sandwiches. For sides we will have snicker salad, cheesy hashbrowns, and pasta salad.
Doors Open: 5:00PM
Catered Dinner (free will donation): 5:15PM
Dessert Auction: 6:00PM
Live Auction: 6:45PM

Church Plant Update

I am thankful for everyone’s continued prayers and support for the church plant. The first few weeks of worshiping together have been joyful and encouraging. Work has begun at our building on N Sycamore Ave, so we hope to be meeting there by mid-Summer. We appreciate the opportunity to keep meeting in the Fellowship Hall at 4pm during this stretch. You all are welcome to drop in and join us any week you’d like. – Pastor Dan

Women's Summer Bible Study

Our summer Bible Study will meet on five Thursdays starting May 30th, from 9–11 am. Join us as we study 2nd Thessalonians, Precepts Method. If your summer schedule prevents an in-depth study, choose the “In and Out” selection, which will allow you to skim the gems of this study. This class will be meeting in person at FEFC. Unfortunately, we are unable to provide childcare in the summertime. We encourage you to coordinate with other moms to share childcare. (Precept Study $17, In and Out $15.) Please register by May 19th! You may register online using this link or by email (marylynne@knowinggodsf.org).

Women's Summer Book Study

Our book club read for the summer will be Shaped by God: Thinking and Feeling in Tune with the Psalms by John Piper. We will meet on Monday evenings for six weeks starting June 3rd from 6:30-8:00 pm in the café area. We will be printing the study guide, so please register online here by May 19th or by email (marylynne@knowinggodsf.org) so that you have time to read chapter one for our first meeting. Cost $5.00

Vacation Bible School Prep

Sunday from 1pm-5pm we will help First Christian Reformed Church create decorations for SCUBA VBS. If you are able to help for some or all of the time, we would love to see you there. Their church is located at 2901 E 26th St. Thank you!

Hidden Acres Camp

Registration is  open for Hidden Acres Summer Camp. There are camps for many different age groups. Because we want to send as many students as possible, the church is providing a $175 voucher for every camper from our congregation. These vouchers are available by contacting the church office. Please let the office know when you register so that we can keep track of who is attending each week. Go to HACamps.org for more information and to register your kids. Please let the church office know by May 6th if your child is going to camp!

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