Weekly Outlook

Sunday, March 17
9:00 am     Sunday Worship
10:30 am   Sunday School
10:30 am   Easter Choir Practice
5:00 pm     Instrumental Ensemble Practice
6:00 pm     Evening Worship
7:00 pm     High School Youth Group
7:00 pm     Congregational Meeting
Monday, March 18
6:30 am    Men’s Discipleship at Bagel Boy on Minnesota Ave.                    
Tuesday, March 19
6:30 am    Corporate Prayer at Church
7:00 pm    Women’s Ministry Bible Study
Wednesday, March 20
Noon        Men’s Discipleship at Church
6:25 pm    AWANA
6:30 pm     Middle School Youth Group
6:30 pm    Adult Bible Study
Thursday, March 21
6:15 am     Men’s Discipleship at Church
9:00 am     Women’s Ministry Bible Study
Saturday, March 23
7:00 am     Men’s Group at Josiah’s Coffeehouse
Sunday, March 24
Palm Sunday
9:00 am     Sunday Worship
10:30 am   Sunday School
10:30 am   Easter Choir Practice
5:00 pm     Instrumental Ensemble Practice
6:00 pm     Evening Worship
7:00 pm     High School Youth Group


Congregational Meeting
Our Congregational Meeting is rescheduled for tonight at 7pm. Members, please plan to attend. Agenda items include: the 2023 treasurer’s report, and an update on our church plant.
New Adult Sunday School Class
A new adult Sunday School class will begin today in the Fellowship Hall. Jim Power will be teaching on the life of Jacob in the book of Genesis. This will be the only adult Sunday School class offered this term.
Youth Ministry Auction
You are invited to our Youth Ministry Auction & Dinner on Tuesday, April 30th at 5 OAKS Venue (480 E 69th St).  All proceeds of the auction and dinner benefit our youth ministry. This year's goal is to fully fund the Apex mission trip to Kansas City next summer. We would love for you to attend this fundraiser for our youth ministry. To attend, we do ask for you to RSVP by Monday, April 29th (sooner the better). Also, we are looking for items to auction off! We are in need of desserts and silent/live auction items. To RSVP and/or to donate, please contact Pastor Tanner at Tanner@KnowingGodSF.org. Thank you and God bless you!
Doors Open: 5:00PM
Catered Dinner (free will donation): 5:15PM
Dessert Auction: 6:00PM
Live Auction: 6:45PM
Service Opportunity: CCC Meal
On the 3rd Wednesday of every month, people from our church help provide a spaghetti dinner for 23 single moms and their children at Compassion Childcare. An email is sent early in the month that explains what is needed that month.  We are looking for a few more people to be on our list!  If you would like more information, please contact Karla Brown at 605-310-6433.
Children’s Church Volunteers
We need more teachers and helpers for Children’s Church. There is a lead teacher and three helpers serving each week. Our goal is to have enough volunteers that each person serves every 6-8 weeks. Adults and teenagers can both volunteer. We are also in need of a person willing to lead and organize our Children’s Church program. If you can help, contact the church office or talk to Sarah Parker, Amy Clay, or Mike Austin.
Building a Lego-cy Update
AWANA clubbers just finished up their three week “Building a Lego-cy Initiative” for the African School Project which is bringing the AWANA program into the public schools in several countries in Africa.  The transformation that is happening in the lives of children, teachers and families is amazing!  Many are coming to faith in Jesus, and many more countries are asking for help to get the program into their schools.  It takes $650 to train and start the program in each school.  Clubbers this year raised enough for three schools to begin AWANA.  Way to go clubbers!!  If you would like to be a part of the exciting things that God is doing there and wish to donate to this project please make checks out to First E. Free Church, with “African School Project” in the memo.  If you have any questions, or would like to see pictures of schools who are currently running the program, we will be at a table in the coffee area after the service.
All for His glory,
Craig & Chris Herman
AWANA directors

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