Weekly Outlook

Sunday, November 3
9:00 am - Sunday Worship
10:30 am - Sunday School
4:00 pm - Living Hope EFC Worship
6:00 pm - Evening Worship
6:00 pm - Christmas Program Practice
7:00 pm - High School Youth Group
Monday, November 4
6:30 am - Men’s Bagel Boy Discipleship
Noon - Men’s Discipleship at Church
Tuesday, November 5
6:30 am - Corporate Prayer at Church
7:00 pm - Women’s Bible Study
Wednesday, November 6
6:25 pm - Awana
6:30 pm - Adult Bible Study at Church
6:30 pm - Middle School Youth Group
Thursday, November 7
6:15 am - Men’s Discipleship
9:00 am - Women’s Bible Study
Saturday, November 9
7:30 am - Men’s Discipleship at Josiah’s Coffeehouse
Sunday, November 10
9:00 am - Sunday Worship with Communion
10:30 am - Sunday School
4:00 pm - Living Hope EFC Worship
6:00 pm - Evening Worship
6:00 pm - Christmas Program Practice
7:00 pm - High School Youth Group


Soup & Pie Supper on Nov 17

Our Soup and pie supper begins at 6pm Sunday, November 17th in the Fellowship Hall. This supper is a good opportunity for fellowship and conversation. We recommend that every family brings soup and pie to share. Utensils, bowls, and beverages will be provided. At about 7pm, the congregational budget meeting will begin. Hope to see you there!

Congregational Meeting Nov 17

Attention Members:  Please plan to attend the congregational budget meeting on Sunday, November 17 at 7:00 p.m. The agenda will include an update on the Living Hope church plant, a vote to adopt the 2025 budget as recommended by the elders, and a confirmation vote of nominees as elders and deacons. The nomination review committee has recommended Jay Eidsness and John Brueckner as elders, Jared Fluth as deacon of missions, Jerry Miller as deacon of trustees, and Bryce Fitch as deacon of ushers.  

Women’s Thanksgiving Event

Mark your calendars for Saturday, November 16th, from 10 AM to noon for a Thanksgiving Event. It will be a sweet time as we gather to welcome the Season with Cider, Muffins, Testimony, and Worship. You and your daughters, aged 12 to 18, are welcome to attend. Register in the foyer, November 3rd and 10th. The cost is $5. Please contact Mary Lynne with questions.

Projection & Livestream Help

Our AV team has a need for two people to help in the booth about once a month. One would be helping with the slides, and the other would help with the live stream. No experience is needed - we will train. If you are interested, please stop and talk with Kurt Johnson or contact the church office. Thanks!

Awana Store Donations

Awana is in need of new or gently used items that would be great for Christmas gifts for moms, dads,  and siblings for the Awana store. We will have girls store on December 11th and boys store on December 18th.  If you would like to bring items for the Awana store please bring them to the Welcome Center and please have them marked “Awana.” Questions can be directed to our Awana Directors,  Jonathan and Rachel Larsen.

Christmas Program Ensemble

We want to invite musicians, young and seasoned who would like to play in the Christmas Program postlude ensemble. Practices are Nov 17 & 24 and Dec 1 from 5-6pm in the music room. Please contact Pam Fitch or the church office if you or your student are interested in participating!

Christmas Program Practice

Just a reminder that rehearsals for K-5 students are each Sunday evening in the Sanctuary from 6-7pm through Dec 1st. There will also be program practice on Saturday, December 7th from 9AM-11AM in the Sanctuary. The children's Christmas program is scheduled for Sunday, December 8th at 6PM. If you have questions or concerns, please contact Erin Wurgler.

Operation Christmas Child

You can spread the gospel by packing a shoebox. Here are some other ways to get involved:
Sponsor the Shipping — Sponsor the Shipping for a packed shoebox from our church packing parties.
Volunteer — Sign up sheets for National Collection week at the OCC table.
Pray — Pray for God to protect each individual shoebox gift that’s been prepared, and guide it into the hand of the specific child who should receive it.

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