Weekly Outlook


Sunday, October 8

9:00 am     Sunday Worship

10:30 am   Sunday School

11:30 am   Second Sunday Potluck

4:00 pm     Youth Group—Fall Festival at the Browns

6:00 pm     Evening Worship

6:00 pm     Children’s Christmas Program Practice


Monday, October 9

6:30 am      Men’s Discipleship at Bagel Boy     


Tuesday, October 10

6:30 am    Corporate Prayer at Church

7:00 pm    Women’s Bible Study at Church


Wednesday, October 11

Noon          Men’s Bible Study at Church

6:25 pm     AWANA

6:30 pm     Adult Bible Study

6:30 pm     Middle School Youth Group


Thursday, October 12

6:15 am     Men’s Bible Study at Church

9:00 am     Women’s Bible Study at Church


Saturday, October 14

7:00 am     Men’s Group at Josiah’s Coffeehouse


Sunday, October 15

9:00 am     Sunday Worship

10:30 am   Sunday School

6:00 pm     Evening Worship

6:00 pm     Children’s Christmas Program Practice

7:00 pm     High School Youth Group




Church Potluck

Second Sunday Potlucks are back!! Join us today in the Fellowship hall at 11:30am to share a meal with our whole church family.



Youth Group Fall Festival

Please join us Sunday, October 8th for the Fall Festival at the Browns from 4pm - 8pm. We will enjoy a bonfire with snacks, games, and a hayride! Their address is 25857 480th Ave. Brandon, SD 57005.




Church Nominating Committee

Under our Church bylaws, we ask members each year for suggestions for new Elders, as well as open Deacon positions. This year we have a need for two Elders and four Deacons in the following areas: Christian Education, Ushers, Serving Committee, and Worship. If you would like to suggest someone for consideration, please contact a member of the nominating committee by Sunday, October 22nd. Nominating committee members are: Pastor Randy Anderson, Michael Bender, Lee DeLange, Jay Eidsness, Wayne Kerslake, Lisa Soundy, and Brenda Burch.




Westside Christian School Auction

You are welcome to attend the 7th Annual Harvest Dinner and Auction here at First Evangelical
Free Church. Join us on Tuesday, October 17th for fellowship and fundraising. Doors open at 5:30pm. Call 605-376-1115 to RSVP.



Women’s Fall Conference

The Women’s Ministries fall conference will be held Friday, October 27th, and Saturday, October 28th, at First E Free. The conference theme is “Closer than a Sister: How Union with Christ Helps Friendships to Flourish.” National Speaker and Author Christina Fox will be joining us from Atlanta – She will be a blessing to the women of FEFC! The cost is $25 for adults; young women 8-12th grade may attend for $15. Register on Sundays, October 15th and 22nd, in the foyer or office any time after October 8th. The conference is a time set aside from our daily activities and responsibilities for personal refreshment, relationship building, and spiritual growth. We know you won’t want to miss this opportunity for teaching and connection!



Christmas Program Practice

Just a reminder that rehearsals for K-5 students are each Sunday evening from 6-7pm through Dec. 3rd. Please make every effort to have your children at these practices. We have a lot of music to learn in a short time! If you have questions or concerns, please contact Sue Norberg.



First Free 411

Operation Christmas Child

Pack a Shoebox: Boxes with instructions for packing & shipping are inside each box and available at the OCC table. Please send your $10 donation directly to Samaritan's Purse using the postage paid envelope or donate online using the label code on the box. Return shoeboxes to the church by Friday, Nov. 17th.   


Sponsor the Shipping - New This Year: Sponsor the Shipping for a packed shoebox from our church packing parties. Sponsorship is $10 per box. These donations are collected through our church. Write your check payable to FEFC and note OCC in the memo line. For Online Giving, note OCC in the memo line also.  


Pray: When the shoeboxes are delivered, Samaritan’s Purse coordinates with the local congregations and pastors to provide Bible lessons along with the shoebox gifts. Graduates of these classes receive Bibles in their own language.  Pray for the gospel opportunities these shoeboxes provide.





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