
Church Picnic: Sunday at McKennan Park

Please join us for our second church picnic of the summer! We will meet at the McKennan Park picnic shelter at 6pm on 7/30/23. This get together is held in place of our normal Sunday evening service. Tableware and beverages are provided, but everyone is asked to bring an entrée to share, as well as a side based on your last name: (A-K=Salad /Appetizer; L-Z= Dessert)



Women’s Ministry:

Summer August Event: Save the date for a patio salad supper on Wednesday, August 16.


Fall Bible Study Options

  • Thursday mornings from 9-11AM starting September 7th. We will study the book of Habakkuk by Lydia Brownbeck. The cost is TBD based on the resource for purchasing. We will pass along savings if you order in advance. Childcare is provided through age 5 (connect with Mary Lynne if you have older kids). The book is available for $15 on Amazon if you prefer to purchase it; otherwise, please register by 8/20 if you want Women’s Ministries to order. 

  • Tuesday evenings at church from 7:00-8:30 PM starting September 12th and then every other Tuesday. We will study the book of Faith: A Study on James by Keri Folmar. The cost is $7.

It is helpful if you register online at the links below; contact Mary Lynne with questions at Please consider joining us for one of these studies for learning, fellowship, and prayer.   


Thursday AM: signup here


Tuesday PM: signup here



Weekly Outlook

Sunday, July 30

9:00 am     Sunday Worship

10:30 am   Sunday School

10:30 am   Women’s Prayer Group in room 115

6:00 pm     Church Picnic at McKennan Park


Monday, July 31

6:30 am     Men’s Discipleship at Bagel Boy on Minnesota Ave.

6:30 pm    Women’s Ministries Book Club


Tuesday, August 1

6:30 am    Corporate Prayer at Church


Wednesday, August 2

6:30 pm     Youth Group

6:30 pm     Adult Bible Study


Thursday, August 3

6:30 am     Men’s Discipleship at eastside Perkins


Sunday, August 6

9:00 am     Sunday Worship

10:30 am   Sunday School

10:30 am   Women’s Prayer Group in room 115

11:30 am   Pastor Terry’s Ordination Lunch

6:00 pm     Evening Worship



First Free 411

Pastor Terry’s Ordination Ceremony Lunch

Please join us next Sunday, August 6th, to celebrate Pastor Terry’s ordination. The ceremony will be during Sunday morning worship. After Sunday school, you are invited to stay for lunch, congratulate Pastor Terry, and say farewell to Terry, Jen, Theo, Lydia, and Jayden as they follow God’s call to serve in Midland, Michigan. Food will be provided!



Operation Christmas Child Donations

Starting this week, we are requesting donations of school supplies. We are collecting: pens, pencils, sharpeners, erasers, crayons, colored pencils, scissors, notebooks, and pencil pouches. Thank you.




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