
Youth Group Midsummer Event

The Youth Group is hanging out at Thunder Road this Wednesday from 7 to 9pm. The cost is $20/Student. Please contact Pastor Dan if you plan to attend. Also, notice that this event starts at 7:00pm, not 8:00pm. That is a change from what is printed on the Youth Ministry calendars handed out at the end of the school year.  



Thank you for your prayers and support on our recent trip to Kenya with AWANA. We will be sharing what we experienced on Sunday, July 9th during the 6pm service. Please join us to see what God is doing in Africa through the AWANA ministry! There are a few pictures on the kiosk in the café area. Thank you, Craig and Chris Herman



Summer VBS Info


Are you interested in Shining Jesus' Light during VBS this year? Volunteers range in age from middle school to adults. Please contact the office to fill out the volunteer form. 


Decorating Days

We will be creating decorations and decorating the church on Tuesday, July 18th and Thursday, July 20th from 4-8pm.  Many hands make light work, so stop by and help when a time works best for you! We are already in prayer for the kids and families who will attend our VBS this year. Join us in praying! If you have any questions, please feel free to call or text Angie at 605-929-3116 or Jenny at 605-929-2455.



Operation Christmas Child Updates

Packing Party on July 14 @ 6:30pm in the Fellowship Hall. We need 20-25 volunteers to help pack shoeboxes. Sign up at the OCC table.


Fabric: Cotton fabric is needed to sew tote bags & drawstring bags. Bags for Boxes volunteers are needed for sewing, cutting, ironing, and threading. Add your name & contact info to the Volunteer Interest List at the OCC table to be notified when we have a "notion" to sew for OCC.



Weekly Outlook

Sunday, July 2

9:00 am - Sunday Worship


Monday, July 3

6:30 am - Men’s Discipleship at Bagel Boy on Minnesota Ave


Tuesday, July 4

Independence Day | Church Office Closed


Wednesday, July 5

6:30 pm - Adult Bible Study

7:00 pm - Youth Group at Thunder Road


Thursday, July 6

6:30 am - Men’s Discipleship at eastside Perkins


Sunday, July 9

9:00 am - Sunday Worship with Communion

10:30 am - Sunday School

10:30 am - Women’s Prayer Group in room 115

6:00 pm - Evening Worship—Presentation by Craig & Chris Herman




First Free 411

Congratulations to the Mans Family

Tanner and Katie Mans recently had a son! Theodore Harvey Mans was born on Thursday, June 22nd. He was 6 lbs. 15 oz. and was 20.5 inches long. Congratulations also to big brother, Connor.



Nursery Summer Location

This summer, the nursery will be located close to the children’s church room in the lower-level room #21. Thank you.



Women’s Ministry Summer Events

July and August: Save the date for another pool night on Tuesday, July 18th and Patio Salad Supper on Wednesday, August 16th.





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