Weekly Outlook
Sunday, February 2
9:00 am - Sunday Worship
10:30 am - Sunday School
4:00 pm - Living Hope EFC Worship
5:30 pm - Living Hope Meeting & Potluck
6:00 pm - Evening Worship
7:00 pm - High School Youth Group
Monday, February 3
6:30 am - Men’s Bagel Boy Discipleship
No Men’s Discipleship at Church
Tuesday, February 4
6:30 am - Corporate Prayer at Church
7:00 pm - Women’s Bible Study at Church
Wednesday, February 5
6:25 pm - Awana
6:30 pm - Adult Bible Study
6:30 pm - Middle School Youth Group
Thursday, February 6
6:15 am - Men’s Discipleship at Church
9:00 am - Women’s Bible Study at Church
Saturday, February 8
7:00 am - Men’s Discipleship at Josiah’s Coffeehouse
Sunday, February 9
9:00 am - Sunday Worship
10:30 am - Sunday School
11:30 am - Second Sunday Potluck
4:00 pm - Living Hope EFC Worship
5:00 pm - HS YG Superbowl Party at the Brown’s
6:00 pm - Evening Worship
Second Sunday Potluck
Please join us on Sunday, February 9th for Second Sunday Potluck. We will enjoy a soup and sandwich theme, and we will eat in the Fellowship Hall at 11:30am. Call the office or visit this link to sign up to bring something to share! Please join us!
Hidden Acres Summer Camp
Registration is open for next summer's Hidden Acres Summer Camp. There are camps for many different age groups. Because we want to send as many students as possible, the church is providing a $175 voucher for every camper from our congregation. These vouchers are available by contacting the church office. Please let the office know when you register so that we can keep track of who is attending each week. Go to HACamps.org for more information and to register your kids.
High School Youth Group - Superbowl Party
On Sunday, February 9th, we will have the Super Bowl Party at Jon & Karla Brown’s home. All High School Youth Group students and leaders are invited. Dinner will be potluck style—things you can bring are: chips & dip, chili, desserts, and soda. Click here to RSVP.
Women’s Ministries: Save the Date
Whether you are crafty or not, join us Saturday morning, February 22nd, for Crafts, Coffee & Conversation. Bring whatever craft you are working on, and get to know Katie Mans (Pastor Tanner’s wife). We will be meeting at 10:00 AM in the Youth Room. We will have Coffee, Tea, Cocoa and Popcorn.
Operation Christmas Child
Thanks to everyone who helped us last year. We are looking forward to filling more shoeboxes this year. For February and March we are collecting hygiene items. Some examples are: toothbrushes, toothbrush cases, wash cloths, Band-Aids (not antibacterial), combs & brushes.
Winter Blast Prayers
Please pray for the students and the leaders that will be attending Winter Blast on February 7-9 at Hidden Acres near Dayton, IA. Please pray for the fellowship and unity of our youth group in the name of Jesus at this retreat. Please pray as well that God would be glorified and that lives would be changed through the transforming work of the Lord. Please keep the following individuals in prayer that will be attending Winter Blast: Adam Brundieck (adult leader), Addison Doohen, Amy Sharp (adult leader) Aydrian Hofer, Bruce Archambault, Caleb Wipf (adult leader), Caleb Baack, Cora Nilson (student leader), Elleighanna Burrows, Ellie Besnoff, Elliot Larsen, Ester Giddings, Ethan Besnoff, Hudson Doohen, Jace Greenfield, Joshua Wipf, Keilarah Zubke (adult leader), Lance Sharp, LaVae Tschetter (adult leader), Mackenzie Boyle, Michaela Roethler, Owen Fluth, Phoebe Larsen, Rea Roethler, Ryker Van Duyn, Tanner Mans (adult leader), Titus Giddings, & Wayne VanDerWerff.