Weekly Outlook

Sunday, February 19

9:00 am - Sunday Worship with Communion

10:30 am - Sunday School

10:30 am - Women’s Prayer Group in room 115

6:00 pm - Evening Worship

7:00 pm  -  Annual Meeting

7:00 pm  -  Youth Group


Monday, February 20

6:30 am - Men’s Discipleship at Bagel Boy on Minnesota Ave


Tuesday, February 21

6:30 am - Corporate Prayer at Church


Wednesday, February 22

Noon - Men’s Discipleship at Church

6:25 pm - AWANA

6:30 pm - Middle School Youth Group

6:30 pm - Adult Bible Study


Thursday, February 23

6:15 am - Men’s Discipleship at Church

9:00 am - Women’s Ministry Bible Study


Saturday, February 25

7:00 am  - Men’s Discipleship at Josiah’s


Sunday, February 26

9:00 am - Sunday Worship: also live stream

10:30 am - Sunday School

10:30 am - Women’s Prayer Group in room 115

6:00 pm - Evening Worship

No High School Youth Group




Annual Congregational Meeting

Members, please plan to attend our annual meeting at 7pm Sunday, February 19th. Agenda items include: the 2022 treasurer’s report, voting to receive Paul Paterson for membership, and an update on our church plant.



Women’s Event: Desserts for 6

Desserts for 6 is happening on Tuesday, March 14th, at 7pm. Please join Women’s Ministries for an evening of hospitality and fellowship. Please email Mary Lynne to sign up to either attend or if you are willing to host a dessert night in your home. It will be a great way to connect and get to know women in our congregation!



VBS Save the Date

“Stellar” Vacation Bible School will happen at First E Free on Sunday, July 23rd through Thursday, July 27th from 6:00pm-8:30pm. Ages 3 through 5th grade are invited. VBS registration will open in the spring for those who attend our church, Westside Christian, or Compassion Childcare. Registration then opens to friends in the community in the early summer. Hope to see you all there!



Hidden Acres Camp

Registration is open for Hidden Acres Summer Camp. Since we want to send as many students as possible, the church is providing a $175 voucher for every camper from our congregation. These vouchers are available by contacting the church office. Please let the office know when you register so that we can keep track of who is attending each week. Feel free to go to HACamps.org for more information and to register your kids.



Operation Christmas Child Updates

We were so encouraged by your generous response to our request for special filler items last year, so we are doing it again this year. For February and March we are collecting hygiene items such as:

        - tooth brushes

        - tooth brush holders 

        - bars of soap (in original packaging)

        - soap boxes

        - wash cloths 

        - non-medicated band aids 

        - combs & brushes



First Free 411

Church Plant Prayer Team

We are assembling a Prayer Team for our church plant. This team is made up of people who can commit to praying regularly for the plant. Pastor Dan will send out regular updates with requests. We also hope to gather for prayer regularly at a time still TBD. If you commit to being on this prayer team it does not mean we expect you to commit to going out as part of the church plant. Please Contact Pastor Dan or sign up on the clipboard by the back windows in the foyer. 



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