Weekly Outlook
Sunday, February 11
9:00 am Sunday Worship
10:30 am Sunday School
11:30 am Second Sunday Potluck
5:00 pm High School YG Superbowl Party
6:00 pm Evening Worship
Monday, February 12
6:30 am Men’s Discipleship at Bagel Boy on Minnesota Ave.
Tuesday, February 13
6:30 am Corporate Prayer at Church
Wednesday, February 14
Noon Men’s Discipleship at Church
6:25 pm AWANA
6:30 pm Middle School Youth Group
6:30 pm Adult Bible Study
Thursday, February 15
6:15 am Men’s Discipleship at Church
9:00 am Women’s Ministry Bible Study
Saturday, February 17
7:00 am Men’s Group at Josiah’s Coffeehouse
Sunday, February 18
9:00 am Sunday Worship
10:30 am Sunday School
6:00 pm Evening Worship
7:00 pm High School Youth Group
Second Sunday Potluck
Join us this Sunday for our churchwide Second Sunday Potluck. We will enjoy a taco bar theme, and we will eat in the Fellowship Hall at 11:30am. Hope to see you there!
Church Plant Prayer
Please continue to pray for our church’s plans to plant another church in Sioux Falls this year. If you would to receive email updates for church plant prayer requests, please contact Pastor Dan at Dan@KnowingGodSF.org.
YG Superbowl Party
This Sunday at 5:00pm we will have an all youth group Superbowl party at Jensen’s home. (This has now been opened up to middle school and high school students). Food will be served potluck style. Things you can bring are: dips, chips, chili, desserts, soda, etc.
Easter Lily Orders
If you are interested in purchasing a lily plant for Easter Sunday, please consider filling out an order form this month. There are purple sheets of paper at the Welcome Center desk that you can fill out with your order. Once the purple order form is filled out, please include a cash payment or a check written to FEFC with the word “lilies” in the memo. These orders can be put in one of the offering boxes, mailed to the church office, or placed in the church office. Orders are due by Sunday March 4th! Please direct your questions to Laurie Hansen. Thanks!
Children’s Volunteers
We are looking for more volunteers in our nursery and children’s church programs! Most people volunteer once every six to eight weeks. We have immediate openings to serve in either program. Interested? Please mark your connection card or contact the church office. Thank you!
OCC Collections
During the month of February, we are collecting personal care items. We are looking for combs, hairbrushes, toothbrushes with covers, washcloths, etc. You may get a complete list of items at the OCC table in the lobby. Thanks in advance for your generous donations.
Church Book Giveaway
Take a look this Sunday for some free books! There is a table setup near the nursery for you to take as many books as you please. These books have been donated, so the library committee has not read nor endorsed all of these titles. Thank you!