Weekly Outlook
Sunday, January 7
9:00 am - Sunday Worship
10:30 am - Sunday School
6:00 pm - Evening Worship
7:00 pm - High School Youth Group
Monday, January 8
6:30 am - Men’s Discipleship at Bagel Boy on Minnesota Ave.
Tuesday, January 9
6:30 am - Corporate Prayer at Church
7:00 pm - Women’s Ministry Bible Study
Wednesday, January 10
Noon - Men’s Discipleship at Church
6:25 pm - AWANA
6:30 pm - Middle School Youth Group
6:30 pm - Adult Bible Study
Thursday, January 11
6:15 am - Men’s Discipleship at Church
9:00 am - Women’s Ministry Bible Study
Saturday, January 13
7:00 am - Men’s Group at Josiah’s Coffeehouse
Sunday, January 14
9:00 am - Sunday Worship
10:30 am - Sunday School
11:30 am - Second Sunday Potluck
6:00 pm - Evening Worship
7:00 pm - High School Youth Group
Second Sunday Potluck
Please join us next Sunday, January 14th for Second Sunday Potluck. We will enjoy a soup and sandwich theme, and we will eat in the Fellowship Hall at 11:30am. Call the office or visit this link to sign up to bring something to share!
Baptisms at FEFC
We are having an evening baptism service on Sunday, January 28th. Please contact a Pastor, Elder, or the church office if you are interested in being baptized.
Adult Sunday School Classes
Two new adult Sunday School classes begin today. Jeff Burch will be teaching on Ephesians in the Fellowship Hall while Pastor Dan will be teaching on The Lord's Prayer downstairs in Room 109.
YG Winter Retreat Sign Up
Calling all Youth Families! Please sign up for our winter retreats:
Registration for Winter Blast is OPEN! Winter Blast is for all MS YG students and is located at Hidden Acres. The dates for the retreat are February 2-4. Click here to register. Registration and payment of $135 to the church is due by January 16th.
Registration for our HS YG Winter Retreat at Inspiration Hills is OPEN! Inspiration Hills is located 15 minutes south of Canton, SD. The dates for the retreat are February 23-25. Click here to register. Registration and payment of $85 to the church is due by February 11th.
Mexico Mission Trip
This year we will be celebrating 25 years of partnership in Mexico missions with For the Fame of His Name. Our 2024 trip to the Petlapixca area is scheduled for March 8-16. If you are interested in serving as part of the team, please contact Amy Sharp.
Hidden Acres Camp
Registration is open for Hidden Acres Summer Camp. There are camps for many different age groups. Because we want to send as many students as possible, the church is providing a $175 voucher for every camper from our congregation. These vouchers are available by contacting the church office. Please let the office know when you register so that we can keep track of who is attending each week. Go to HACamps.org for more information and to register your kids.
VBS Save the Date
“SCUBA: Diving Into Friendship With God” Vacation Bible School will happen at First E Free on Sunday, July 21st through Thursday, July 25th from 6:00pm-8:30pm. Ages 3 through 5th grade are invited. VBS registration will open in the spring for those who attend our church, Westside Christian, or Compassion Childcare. Registration then opens to the community in the early summer. Hope to see you all there!