Weekly Outlook


Sunday, December 11

9:00 am     Sunday Worship with Communion

10:30 am   Sunday School: in person only

10:30 am   Women’s Prayer Group in Room 115

5:30 pm     Christmas Prelude

6:00 pm     Preschool Christmas Program / K-5 Christmas Program

7:00 pm     High School Youth Group


Monday, December 12

6:30 am       Men’s Discipleship at Bagel Boy on Minnesota Ave


Tuesday, December 13

6:30 am     Corporate Prayer at Church


Wednesday, December 14

Noon         Men’s Discipleship in the FEFC Library

6:25 pm     AWANA

6:30 pm     Middle School Youth Group

6:30 pm     Adult Bible Study


Thursday, December 15

6:15 am     Men’s Discipleship at Church


Saturday, December 17

7:00 am     Men’s Discipleship at Josiah’s Coffeehouse


Sunday, December 18

9:00 am      Sunday Worship: also live stream

10:30 am    Sunday School: in person only

10:30 am    Women’s Prayer Group in Room 115

6:00 pm      Evening Worship

                       No High School Youth Group






Hidden Acres Summer Camp

Registration is  open for next summer's Hidden Acres Summer Camp. There are camps for many different age groups. Because we want to send as many students as possible, the church is providing a $175 voucher for every camper from our congregation. These vouchers are available by contacting the church office. Please let the office know when you register so that we can keep track of who is attending each week. Go to HACamps.org for more information and to register your kids.



Women’s Ministries Bible Study:

Registration is open for our next Thursday morning winter Bible Study.  Please register by the link provided on the FEFC Website under Adult Ministries or in the electronic bulletin here. We will be studying Galatians: Redeeming Grace and the Cross of Christ a Sophron Study. This 16-week study starts January 5, 2023. The cost is $10. Childcare to age 6 is provided.



Pray For Me Campaign

The FEFC Youth Ministry will begin another "Pray For Mecampaign in 2023. We want to match our 6th-12th grade students with a “Prayer Champion.” A “Prayer Champion” is an adult in the congregation who commits to pray for one student for an entire year. Each Prayer Champion will be given the name of a student, specific prayer requests, and a Prayer Guide to use in praying daily for their student. This ministry works to tighten the web of intergenerational relationships in our church and equips adults to pass along a life of faith to the next generation. Please contact Pastor Dan (Dan@KnowingGodSF.org) if you would like to commit to being a Prayer Champion this next year. Also let me know if you are a parent and want to make sure your 6th-12th grade student is matched with a Prayer Champion.



Saturday’s Men’s Group

Josiah’s will be closed for a couple of weeks. We will not be meeting on the following dates: December 24, December 31, January 7, and January 14. We will next meet again starting on January 21. Thank you.




First Free 411


A huge thank you to all who donated to the AWANA store. We took in a lot of items and the clubbers are excited for shopping. Thank you again.

-Craig and Chris Herman



Second Sunday Potlucks Begin Again in January

Due to the Christmas program tonight, we will plan to start meeting again for Second Sunday Potlucks in January. See you then!





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