Weekly Outlook

Sunday, November 24
9:00 am - Sunday Worship
10:30 am - Sunday School
11:30 am - Youth Group Parent Meeting
4:00 pm - Living Hope EFC Worship
5:00 pm - Ensemble Practice in the music room
6:00 pm - Christmas Program Practice
6:00 pm - Evening Worship
7:00 pm - High School Youth Group
Monday, November 25
6:30 am - Men’s Bagel Boy Discipleship
Noon - Men’s Discipleship at Church
Tuesday, November 26
6:30 am - Corporate Prayer at Church
Wednesday, November 27
No Evening Programming tonight
Thursday, November 28
Thanksgiving Day | Church Office Closed
Friday, November 29
Church Office Closed
Sunday, December 1
9:00 am - Sunday Worship
10:30 am - Sunday School
4:00 pm - Living Hope EFC Worship
5:00 pm - Ensemble Practice in the music room
6:00 pm - Christmas Program Practice
6:00 pm - Evening Worship
7:00 pm - High School Youth Group


Results of the Congregational Meeting

At the November 17th congregational meeting, the church confirmed John Brueckner and Jay Eidsness as elders, Jerry Miller as deacon of trustees, Jared Fluth as deacon of missions, and Bryce Fitch as deacon of ushers. The church also approved the 2025 budget as recommended by the church elders. 

Youth Group Parent Meeting

Join us Sunday at 11:30am for a youth group parent meeting in the youth room. We will be eating pizza and discussing our spring and summer programming. Hope to see you there!

Monday Morning Men’s Group

Men young and old are invited to join us at 6:30am each Monday at the Bagel Boy on S. Minnesota Ave (near 33rd & Minnesota). Our group sits at the big table in front. We just began a new study in Leviticus. Contact Pastor Dan with questions.

Impact EFCA High School Youth Group Conference

Impact is the annual High School Weekend Winter Conference led and planned by the EFCA Central District. This conference is for 9th-12th grade students and youth leaders. The event takes places in Coralville, Iowa at the Hyatt Regency Hotel Conference Center. Your high school student can plan to join us January 3rd-5th. The cost is $100 (non– refundable) which includes: transportation, lodging, and meals. Register by December 13th.

Women’s Ministry 6-week Book Study Option:

You have the opportunity to join the discussion on what it means to "Live as a Family of Disciples" by joining a six-week small group discussing Mark Dever's book Discipling. There are four time slots throughout the week available. The groups will meet once during the first week of December and then for five weeks starting in January. Sign up in the cafe area at the Women's Ministries Table. (The books will be provided.) Please contact Mary Lynne with questions.

Operation Christmas Child

Thank you to everyone for a successful collection week. Bless you!

Women's Ministries January Bible Study Options: 

Thursday mornings from 9-11 AM starting January 9th. We will study Seeking Him: Experience the Joy of Personal Revival by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth and Tim Grissom. Childcare is provided through age 5. The cost is $15. Registration is required and can quickly be done in the online bulletin using this link.
Tuesday evenings at church from 7:00-8:30 PM starting January 7th and then every other Tuesday. We will continue the study of Habakkuk by Lydia Brownbeck started in September. Please contact Mary Lynne to register.

Projection & Livestream Help

Our AV team needs a couple of people to help in the booth once a month. One would be helping with the slides, and the other would help with the live stream. No experience is needed - we will train. If you are interested, please stop and talk with Kurt Johnson or contact the church office.

Awana Updates

Awana Store will continue to collect items for the store until December 11th. Thank you for all your donations. 

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