
2024-2025 AWANA, Sunday School & Youth Group Registration


Approved Workers Are Not Ashamed

AWANA is a fully integrated evangelism and discipleship program.

The start time is 6:25 pm each Wednesday. Our program runs from September to early May of the next year.

Our leaders are Jonathan and Rachel Larsen. You may reach out to them with questions to the church office.

If you are planning on your child attending any program run by First Evangelical Free Church, please complete a registration form as accurately and completely as possible.  

Our Goal

In all of our children’s programs, our passion at First Evangelical Free Church, is “to joyfully display God through Christ-Centered, Spirit-Empowered instruction, so that all might set their hope in God as evidenced by humble obedience to Jesus.”

Children's Sunday School

During the school year, Sunday school is available for 2-year-olds through 5th grade. Teachers and rooms depend on the age and grade of the child. Speak to someone at the Welcome Center or contact the church office to find out what room to bring your child to.

Sunday school classes are held from 10:30 am to 11:30 am, after the worship service. For small children during this hour, the nursery is open for 0-1 year-olds.

During the summer all children in Kindergarten and above are encouraged to attend our intergenerational class with their parents.

Children's Events

There are no events available.

Children's Staff