
We are thrilled that you are interested in getting involved with a bible study or Sunday School class here at FEFC. We value Biblically driven preaching, teaching, and disciple-making that is both faith-building and evangelistic.

In the Fellowship Hall. What We Believe. Teacher: Donn Hill. 

In the Youth Room (downstairs). Family Sunday School. Teacher: Tanner Mans.

Men's Ministries

Please consider these opportunities to gather and discuss God’s word:

Mondays at 6:30 am – Bagel Boy on Minnesota Ave with Pastor Dan. (Meets all year.)

Wednesdays at 12:00 pm – at the Church with Pastor Donn. (Meets during the school year.)

Thursdays at 6:15 am – at the Church with Pastor Randy. (Meets during the school year.)

Thursdays at 6:30 am – at east side Perkins with Mike Austin. (Meets during the summer.)

Saturdays at 7:00 am – at Josiah’s Coffeehouse with Jim Loudenslager. (meets during the school year.)

Women's Ministries

Please join us on Tuesday evenings at 7:00pm starting on September 10th and then every other Tuesday.

We will study the book of Habakkuk by Lydia Brownbeck.

Please contact Mary Lynne Johnson with registration questions.

Thursday mornings from 9-11AM starting September 5th.

We will study the book of Jonah by Lydia Brownbeck.

Childcare is provided through age 5.

Please contact Mary Lynne Johnson with registration questions. 

How To Get Involved

Meals for Compassion Child Care
Every 3rd Wednesday

Families from Compassion Childcare receive a meal to take home on the third Wednesday of each month. Anyone may sign up to provide items, which are compiled by church volunteers at the daycare by 1:00 pm that day. If you would like more information, please contact the church office. 

Coming Events

Sunday School

Every Sunday, from 08/11/2024 to 12/15/2024, 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM

Adult Ministry Staff